analytical vs. emotional development
It is widely accepted that the development of the emotional part of our brains helps to also grow many different aspects of our lives. In schools, our children are taught more often than not to focus on the analytical, the math, science, english, and other core subjects. There is, without doubt, an absolute need for this education. What is lacking however is the development of the emotional and creative aspects of ourselves, that many times can be lost in the hussle and bussle of day to day life. It’s easier to quantify the achievements of homework, for example, with analytical reasoning, as opposed to the quantifiable achievements and its means of an artists work, however the benefits are resoundingly there. Our budding artists may never pursue a full-time career as a professional artist, however, the skill sets acquired through our proprietary curriculums and professional art instruction can assist in critical thinking, increasing mental speed, and a myriad of other benefits. Our students can achieve great benefits from our educational art instruction, whether they decide to be an architect or an attorney, or anything in between, we strongly believe and assert that the development of the creative, or emotional aspects of our brains will bring much gain to our students, we believe therefore greatly improving their lives. We are a locally owned and operated Arts Academy, we would love the opportunity to work with your family. please contact us anytime to discuss your childs needs, and the various mediums and class types we offer. Open 7 days, we are certain great benefit can be attained here.